Sunday, June 18, 2017

More insomnia - probably needs to be edited

My interweb isn’t working. It apparently waited for me to rent a movie on Amazon and then turned itself off. Oddly enough, the data on my phone won’t connect either. I can turn on the hotspot thing, and my computer will connect to the internet from that, but my phone won’t actually connect to anything. WWF, IMDB, chrome etc, nothing on my phone will go online, but I can use my phone to make my computer connect… Mysterious. Since I can’t connect to the “my Verizon” deal on my phone though, I can’t see if there’s enough extra data right now to be burning through it just so I can watch a movie at midnight.

I feel a little bit like total shit and should be in bed anyway. I went to work for Carla today, but after 2 hours of weedeating at their farm in 90° heat, Tammi picked me up and brought me to a jobsite to help put down a sidewalk in front of the house they are fixing up. By the time Salvatore and I put the sidewalk down, the temp was up to 95°, with whatever amount of humidity equals “my crotch is so sweaty it looks like I pissed myself,” and Tammi asked me to do some digging in front of the house to lower a few spots down and fill in a few holes while they went inside to work on the steps in the air conditioned house. That doesn’t, and didn’t, sound like an unreasonable request so I went at it

The thing is, digging in Virginia is a pain in the ass. The “dirt” is actually this unforgiving red stuff that is equal parts compacted clay, rocks that range in size from golf ball to buffalo skull, and hate. There is a very good movie called Blue Ruin that is set in the Blue Ridge Mountains not too far from here that made me laugh because this small, non-physical type-of-guy was able to quickly dig a grave in the mountains in this same malicious red stuff in no time flat. There was even a big pile of red ugliness next to the grave. Hand digging a grave around here would be quite the endeavor, you could almost see the shadow of the rented excavator on the edge of the shot of him next to the hole he had supposedly dug. Total bullshit scene. Still a great movie though.

 I held out for about 2 hours before I started to get pukey and confused from the heat. I kept finding myself forgetting what I was supposed to be doing. My heart was beating really fast and I felt like I was about to collapse. I finally had to just go inside and tell her that I couldn’t do anything else outside. I was having to rest about half of the time, and I didn’t want to be getting paid to work half of the time and spend the other half leaning against the house in the only 3 feel of shade on the property. I’m just not used to that shit. I just got over being sick, and regardless of how much water I was guzzling (about 6 quarts in 2 hours) I felt dehydrated and weak. After about 15 minutes inside, I was good to go, but I stayed in the house and worked on things in there. I know she would’ve rather had me doing the stuff outside, but she was cool about it. It was understandable, nobody needs to be out there in that if they don’t have to be. I’m sure that if I spent more time doing it I would acclimate and it wouldn’t effect me as badly, but I just couldn’t hack it anymore.

I still feel fried from the heat. My head hurts and I know I’m exhausted, but I can’t seem to make myself sleep.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Bout time

I can finally fucking sign in! I fell off on the blogging for a bit, and then, a few months back, when I tried to sign back in to put up a post, it wouldn't let me log in. It must've been something with my google account because when I clicked on the blogspot link in my toolbar, it signed me in automatically and now I have the little google icon in the corner.

The last post was in February, which feels like an entire lifetime ago. School is obviously done for the summer. I managed to keep my 4.0, and am looking forward to getting back at it in the fall. I would've signed up for summer classes, but the out-of-state tuition is so damned much more per credit; and since I don't even know what I want to get a degree in, or how I want to use my education, I didn't feel like I needed to go way further into debt just to speed up finishing school. It was a good choice, logical and reasonable, but I regret the fuck out of it nearly every day. School is such a great way to eat up time while knowing that I'm doing something good for myself. It keeps me busy. There is always something that I can be working on, and I mostly enjoy it.

Not that I'm not busy now. Work is steady with Susan, at least two days a week, and I just started doing the same type of work out at Tammi and Carla's house/farm. I had my first day out there on Thursday and spent about 7 hours straight weed-eating. The will take me as often as I can work, and I'm going to spend Wednesdays at Shire Folk to help fill the gap left by man-bun when he got too depressed to work.

Caroline and I have been together for several months now. Things are going great. I've always had a hard time writing about relationships, so I won't do a lot of that, but we are incredibly happy and my life is immeasurably better with her in it. She makes me feel like a whole person.

I didn't come on here thinking I was going to write, so I don't have much else to go over. A lot has happened since I last wrote, but if I don't keep up with things on a day-to-day basis, I don't have as much interest in writing about it. If it isn't fresh in my mind, the details aren't there.