More chicken processing tomorrow. Em brought me to an appointment at region 10 this afternoon and after she brought me back to the farm she and Logan took off in different vehicles to go to the market and some warehouse to buy a stainless steel table for chicken evisceration purposes. So I'm at the farm with the chickens and the pigs and the goats and the dogs and the bees. And Catric Swayze.
The bees. I went down there and checked them out after Emilie left. The hive beetles are still there and are leaving the majority of the traps alone. All we can do is deploy more traps, level some insults at the beetles, and put more sugar water in the feeder. Beetles or not, there are a lot of fucking bees flying around down there. I'm comfortable around the hives when I'm with somebody else. I don't seem to notice them as much and the buzzing and thumping doesn't bother me as long as I'm wearing some bee gear. But all alone, doing general hive maintenance, my threshold is lowered quite a bit. I always end up doing it alone in the middle of the day so it's hot and they seem more agitated. I'm always dripping sweat onto my glasses while I'm holding things, everything is more confusing. Also, the bees know that I'm a novice and it makes them more brazen. They sense my lack of confidence and it emboldens them - suddenly they're all a bunch of tough guys. Still haven't been stung yet...Last week two of them stung the glove I was wearing and I left immediately with their stingers still hanging off of the glove. I left them in there to show my dad and later when i brushed my finger against them, they both pulsed and wiggled a little, still trying to push more venom into my hand after being dead for an hour.
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